Friday, July 12, 2013

Montana Wildflowers

I know back in February I said I was going to post more, sadly that did not happen.  Here it is 5 months later and I am finally posting again.  So here are some of the spring flowers that bloom wild here in Montana, these were all in my yard. 
This first one is called a shooting star


                                                                                   Teton Anemone-

scarlet globemallow -

and bitterroot~ the state flower of Montana

Monday, February 11, 2013

Wow, it has been ages since I last posted anything, I am terrible about keeping up with this blog.  Anyway Valentine's day is coming SOON, like 3 days from now soon, so I dumped out the bag of conversation hearts today and picked through them to set up this lovely photo :)

Hope you enjoy it and I am going to TRY really hard to start posting here more, and maybe I can actually build up an audience who actually sees what I am posting ;)


Friday, July 13, 2012


Today I am actually NOT going to share flower photos.  I am going to share some ladybug pics instead and let everyone know about a great site called The Lost Ladybug Project. It is a site that tracks the different species of ladybugs and where they are being found.  You can take photos when you find ladybugs and then you can share them with the site to help in their tracking of these beneficial bugs.  Some, such as this first image, that were once quite common, have become rare.  

This is a
Species C. Novemnotata
or the 9spotted ladybug:

this next one is
 Species: Coccinella transversoguttata
another "rare" ladybug

and this one is a
                                                          Species: Coccinella trifasciata

I have many more photos and might share more in the future.  But in the meantime remember you can be on the lookout for ladybugs too and make sure to get a photo and send them in to The Lost Ladybug Project!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Flowers Again....

I know my last post said next time I would be sharing non-wildflower photos but I only had a couple ready to share so here is one ~ a macro of a lobelia bloom

and two more of another type of wildflower we have growing in our yard.  Of course I am not sure of the name, but it sure is pretty :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More Flowers....

I LOVE spring, because of all the flowers blooming! 
Here are a few photos of even more of the flowers that are blooming in my yard right now :) 

I am not sure what this is, and it isn't quite blooming, so I will have to watch for it to bloom and get another photo

more yellow flowers, not sure what they are but they are everywhere in my yard

This is a bush/shrub, and it has attracted all kinds of bees, and several species ladybug too, but I have no idea what it is...  Has some pretty little blooms though. :)

Hope you enjoyed my photos, if you know what any are please let me know.  Watch for my next post, it will be more flowers, but they will be those I have planted in pots in my yard.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wild Flowers Part 2

I wish I could name all of these flowers  but I don't know what all of them are.  They are more wildflowers, and all are growing in my yard.  This first one is the same as the pink flowers in my first wildflower post.

                     this yellow one is called a yellow bell

these white ones I have no clue of the name

 and a sunflower, these grow in bunches and we have hundreds of them growing all over my yard!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wild Flowers

Wild flowers are starting to bloom all over here now, and I wanted to share a few I have found in my own yard.

I am not sure what these are but they are teeny tiny little pink flowers

Below are a pasque flower bud and then that same bud a few days later in bloom

These are shooting star flowers

and more teeny tiny flowers similar to the ones in the first photo except these are a light blueish purple, although it doesn't show so well in the photo

Be watching for Wild Flowers Part 2 soon as I have a few more photos still to share