Today I am actually NOT going to share flower photos. I am going to share some ladybug pics instead and let everyone know about a great site called The Lost Ladybug Project. It is a site that tracks the different species of ladybugs and where they are being found. You can take photos when you find ladybugs and then you can share them with the site to help in their tracking of these beneficial bugs. Some, such as this first image, that were once quite common, have become rare. It is a site that tracks the different species of ladybugs and where they are being found. You can take photos when you find ladybugs and then you can share them with the site to help in their tracking of these beneficial bugs. Some, such as this first image, that were once quite common, have become rare.
This is a
Species C. Novemnotata
or the 9spotted ladybug:
this next one is
Species: Coccinella transversoguttata
another "rare" ladybug
and this one is a
Species: Coccinella trifasciata
I have many more photos and might share more in the future. But in the meantime remember you can be on the lookout for ladybugs too and make sure to get a photo and send them in to The Lost Ladybug Project!!