Friday, July 12, 2013

Montana Wildflowers

I know back in February I said I was going to post more, sadly that did not happen.  Here it is 5 months later and I am finally posting again.  So here are some of the spring flowers that bloom wild here in Montana, these were all in my yard. 
This first one is called a shooting star


                                                                                   Teton Anemone-

scarlet globemallow -

and bitterroot~ the state flower of Montana

Monday, February 11, 2013

Wow, it has been ages since I last posted anything, I am terrible about keeping up with this blog.  Anyway Valentine's day is coming SOON, like 3 days from now soon, so I dumped out the bag of conversation hearts today and picked through them to set up this lovely photo :)

Hope you enjoy it and I am going to TRY really hard to start posting here more, and maybe I can actually build up an audience who actually sees what I am posting ;)